The Chamber is a not-for-profit state chartered voluntary organization of business, industry, and professional men and women who have pooled their individual talents and monies together for the common good. By doing so, the Chamber is able to work on objectives designed to enhance the business climate and improve the quality of life in Beloit and the surrounding area.
The Chamber currently has over 160 business members that financially support a professionally staffed office. The staff helps carry out the goals and objectives set each year by the members. The elected Board of Directors governs the staff. Committees and task forces accomplish local goals, while the staff conducts the business of the organization and works on goals requiring full-time attention.
An excellent Chamber of Commerce means the difference between a stagnant town and a thriving community. The majority of economic development progress, business retention and expansion success, quality of life solutions and many other positive growth elements come directly from Chamber activity and participation.
The work that the Chamber does for the community benefits you and every business, every industry, and virtually every other person living in Mitchell County. If the Chamber didn't do this job, no one else would (or is equipped to).
The Chamber's strength comes from its members. Membership provides the funds to continue the vital role of the Chamber in Beloit, while providing valuable benefits to you as a member.
A Chamber of Commerce is not a department of the city, county, or state governments. A Chamber is not a social, service, welfare or charitable club or organization.
The Chamber offers our members a number of affordable marketing opportunities. From weekly posts to our Chamber Chat to relocation packets and much more. To view a complete listing see please refer to our Marketing Opportunities below.
Chamber activities give you the chance to meet new business people and new customers. There isn't a more productive place to network with business people than at a Chamber function.
Our website provides our members with the online presence that is demanded in the tech-savvy era. Here you can find information about the Chamber, as well as vital information about the community. List events relevant to your business, offer deals through our weekly Chamber Chat, or even post job listings to our job board.
Spendable at over 120 area businesses; Chamber Checks make wonderful gifts and employee incentives. These gift certificates are easy to use, just like checks. Chamber Checks are spent exclusively with Beloit Area Chamber of Commerce merchants adding to the local economy.
Chamber members are able to host a Chamber Coffee on the 3rd Friday of the month* Chamber Coffee events offer a great way to promote store locations, increase networking, and/or highlight specific seasonal times of the year that may be important to you and your business.
The Chamber is able to provide information that can help you operate your business. If you need data, we either have it or can get it for you. Demographics, city maps, membership directories, relocation packets and much more are always available to our members.
The Chamber receives hundreds of phone calls each month. People call us wanting to know what retail, manufacturing, and service businesses we are familiar with. The Chamber refers only businesses that are members.
When you are a member, we want everyone to know it! We provide a membership sticker to all members when they join. Each year you will receive a new sticker to indicate your membership is current.
Many people want to get involved in their community. The Chamber provides opportunities to make a difference with the Chamber and the community. We have different committees that our Chamber members can join. We understand how busy everyone is and most meetings last an hour or less.
We study and analyze issues of interest to Beloit and its business community, take advocacy positions on those issues, and communicate the Chamber's viewpoints clearly and strongly to our membership, elected officials, and the community at large. Your Chamber membership gives you a louder voice on a local, state, and federal level.
Whether opening a new business, celebrating a remodel or addition, or simply joining the Chamber, we want to help you celebrate! Chamber Board and staff will help you promote your success with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. A photo of your ribbon cutting will appear on our Facebook page and will be submitted to the local paper
The Chamber offers many opportunities for your company to sponsor events such as luncheons, 8-Man Pep Rally, Millapalooza, and more. Sponsoring an event is a great way to promote your company while showing your support for the community.
Meet new business contacts at Chamber events: luncheons, coffees, committee activities and meetings, annual banquet, Farm Home & Garden Show, etc. You will create new business contacts by connecting with new business people. Networking consistently ranks high among the reasons to join.
The Chamber strengthens the community by providing a VOICE FOR BUSINESS on issues that affect you, your employees, and your business. Members are looking for someone to argue their case in front of lawmakers.
The Chamber always refers members FIRST on any business inquiries. All members can be found on the Chamber's website and printed in the Membership Directory.
The Chamber has many viable partners that help to provide our members with the most comprehensive and up to date business resrouces.
By promoting your business as a "Member of the Chamber" you establish yourself as a company with good business practices. Studies show that people feel better about, and are more likely to do business with a company that they know is a Chamber member.
Businesses join the Chamber to be an "insider" so they can discover insider information on developments in the community, trade, or profession.
Through the Chamber, there are many cost-effective opportunities to maximize your company's exposure and reach new customers through targeted advertising, marketing, sponsorships, ribbon cuttings, etc.
Being a Chamber member offers you access to the professional staff. Chamber members can contact the staff with nearly any questions concerning their business to help solve problems and address needs.
Whether it's serving on the Board of Directors, or chairing a committee, working within the Chamber offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership. The Chamber offers wonderful professional development opportunities by providing the means to become involved.
It takes time, money, and people to make a difference in any community. From the quality of life to business advocacy, the Chamber plays a vital role in the strength of our community. Without the investment of our members, the Chamber would not be able to do its job.
Why Join?
You asked. We Answered. Top 10 Reasons To Join.
Marketing Opportunities
Every Friday, Chamber Chat (a weekly newsletter) is emailed to all Chamber Members and their employees, as well as posted on social media. There is information about Chamber members, upcoming events, and various articles. This is another way to get the word out about your business and is included within your Chamber Membership.
Chamber Chat
On the second Friday of the month a local Chamber Member host a Chamber Coffee. This is a chance for others in the community to come together and network, and is also available to all members free of charge.
Chamber Coffees
There are several events the Chamber puts on throughout the year. Sponsorships for each event are available and offer a great way to promote your business. Examples include but are not limited to, Millapalooza Car Show, 8-Man Pep Rally, etc. Call the Chamber for more details.
Event Sponsorships
The Chamber provides newcomer packets to anyone looking for information about relocating to Beloit. They are also provided to our members as a tool for recruitment of new employees. The packets include such things as demographics, cost of living information, school and church information, etc. Why not put your name in front of potential new customers before your competition? You provide us with your brochure or flyer and we'll take care of the rest. The Chamber reserves the right to refuse any or all of the insert material for any reason. We will not accept insert material from out the membership of any information that does not advertise or promote products or services of a member company.
Newcomer Packets
Sponsoring a Membership Appreciation delivery is a great way to share your company name with member businesses annually. Over the course of the year, the Chamber will make a special delivery, such as a box of cookies, to our local membership. These include a label with a list of the sponsors for the year. As a sponsor, your name will appear larger and bolder than the other sponsors for an entire month. If you choose, you or your company representatives can assist in the delivery that month. it's another great chance to network and get your name out!
Member Appreciation Sponsor
What Our Members Say

Lori Guile
Director, NCK Wellness Center
The Chamber lets people know about what is going on in our Community and brings events to keep people connected even through hard times. I think it is important to be a member of the Chamber because they are a good resource when we want to advertise events in our store.

Andrea LePon
Owner | Florist, Wheat Fields Floral
The Chamber lets people know about what is going on in our Community and brings events to keep people connected even through hard times. I think it is important to be a member of the Chamber because they are a good resource when we want to advertise events in our store.

HJ & Kristi Ackerman
Owners | Operators, Ackerman Supply
The Chamber lets people know about what is going on in our Community and brings events to keep people connected even through hard times. I think it is important to be a member of the Chamber because they are a good resource when we want to advertise events in our store.
© 2023 Beloit Area Chamber of Commerce
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